Working on Latex as well as fixed graph bumpiness
Today I have been working on a few different items. I have attempted to start a latex paper for what we are going to be working on, but have been unable to get emulateapj to work. I will continue to work on it until it is solved. I believe I have conflicting installation of Tex and there is a bad directory somewhere which is causing emulateapj to not be seen.
However I solved the problem of the bumpy curve fit by removing two uneccesary parameters (which was probably the cause of the bumpiness). The smooth curve fit is shown below. The two pictures shown below have very similar BIC values, with three being just a tiny bit lower. However 4 has a lower chi value which is a much better fit.
The target shown is 2MASS-J16291840+0335371

However I solved the problem of the bumpy curve fit by removing two uneccesary parameters (which was probably the cause of the bumpiness). The smooth curve fit is shown below. The two pictures shown below have very similar BIC values, with three being just a tiny bit lower. However 4 has a lower chi value which is a much better fit.
The target shown is 2MASS-J16291840+0335371

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